Saturday, January 11, 2014

16 Week Project

An interesting aspect of the Ethiopian culture is the lack of self-expression. They do laugh and smile and what not, but their expression seems to stop at the surface level. I don’t know if this is for all Ethiopians but it is definitely for the ones I am working with. Keep in mind these women and children have been through a lot of trauma, so I am sure that adds to it all. I am starting a project with my high schoolers that is purely for the purpose of them expressing themselves. I gave them a journal and a pen and a topic. Every week for the next 16 they will be given a topic and all they have to do is write. Grammar, spelling, and any other rules are out the door. They can write whatever they feel. I was nervous about their response to this project as this is such a foreign idea, the idea of writing their own feelings and sharing what is going on in their head is so unfamiliar.

I had them write for 15 minutes today. I played music and turned down the lights and let them go away! As I sat and watched them write I was really touched by it all. In high school I took psychology classes, my dad and mom are both counselors and advice givers by nature, and I have always been encouraged to express myself with honesty. As I watched them write I could only feel and think that this might have been the first time they wrote all of this down. The topic was family and I encouraged them to write about the good, bad and the ugly.
After the 15 minutes I asked if anyone wanted to share. Two boys, Goshow and Dave volunteered. Goshow started to read. He described how his cousin killed his father. He read about his mother who means everything to him. He talked about himself. Dave began; his father was murdered when he was 6 months old. He is an only child. He wishes that he had a younger sister. He loves his mom who provides everything for him. He hopes to repay her for everything someday. These two short minutes of them reading were so beautiful and raw and good.
Please pray for these students and friends of mine and pray for the success of this project. They are remarkable and I am so thankful that God graciously brought them into my life to teach and befriend. I will continue to update you on this over the next 16 weeks...

Lots of love,
PS: while I was home some of you asked the best way to reach me! My email is or I have skype - those are my 2 best options. I'd love to hear from you. :)

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